It's time to tell your story
The most important stories are the ones we tell ourselves
The most important stories are the ones we tell ourselves
"There's nothing special about me"
"I'm a total mess"
"I think I ruined my life"
"I just feel... lost"
"I just don't have the words"
"No one's interested in that"
"A million people have done the same thing as me, but better"
Look, no one was ever remembered fondly for how normal they were. When we're remembered, talked about, or even talked TO it's because of what sets us apart. What makes us different. What makes us WEIRD.
So why do we avoid telling other people about what MADE us weird?
Well, for a lot of reasons...
- Because we don't want to "toot our own horn"
- Because that moment hurts to think about
- Because we don't really know what to say
- Because we HONESTLY don't know what made us this way
But these are the hard-won lessons that it’s IMPORTANT to talk about. The lessons that we learned through trial and error, through hard work.
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